What it really takes to get ripped Part 2

If you want to get ripped fast, this is the way to do it. It is not easy. The first couple of weeks will be absolutely brutal from a diet standpoint. The fact is, it works. You will drop body fat in rapid fashion if you follow the advice below.

  1. Cut your carbs down dramatically. The only carbohydrates you will be eating for the first 2 weeks will come from steamed vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, brussel sprouts, kale, spinach and all other green leafy greens. That is it. No grains, no dairy and no fruit. Your diet will consist of protein (1 gram per pound of body weight daily), fibrous vegetables and lots of healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocados) in place of carbohydrates. You will lose anywhere between 1 and 4% of your body fat within the first 2 weeks. It is impossible to put on weight when your insulin levels are kept so low for such a long period of time and that is what this type of diet is so effective at doing. You will need to eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day approximately every 3 hours and drink a ton of water. I am talking about 3-5 litres a day.
  2. After the first 2 weeks you will re-introduce carbohydrates sparingly. You will limit yourself to 2 cups of low-glycemic fruit per day. That fruit will come from thin skin berries. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. On the days you lift, you can allow yourself 40-60 grams of carbohydrates post workout which will come in the form of sweet potatoes. They are a low glycemic carbohydrate and they are great at replenishing glycogen stores. On the days you don’t lift, carbohydrate intake will be reduced to green leafy vegetables and 2 cups of berries. This will satisfy whatever sugar cravings you might have.
  3. Strength train 3 times a week. No machines and no isolation exercises. Just the big lifts. Only barbells and dumbbells will be used. Squats, lunges, dead lifts, pressing and rowing variations will be performed with an emphasis placed on getting stronger. The goal is to add more weight to the bar and/or perform more repetitions each session. By performing big lifts, you will burn more calories and maintain your muscle mass, which is crucial if you want to get ripped. Remember, muscle is metabolically active. If you lose muscle, you burn less calories throughout the day.
  4. Start getting up early in the morning (before work or school) and perform 45 minutes of fasted walking at a brisk pace. You can do it on the treadmill or you can go outside. It really doesn’t matter. Get up, have a couple of glasses of water to get your metabolism going and start walking. When you are done you can eat. In a fasted state, your body will use fat as the primary fuel source providing that activity is performed at a low heart rate. While you may not burn gobs and gobs of calories walking, the majority will come from fat stores.
  5. Sprint 2 to 3 times a week. Sprinting is another term for interval training. Periods of work performed at high intensities, followed by periods of recovery performed at low intensities. If running for your life is a 10 out of 10, your high intensity periods will be performed at a 9. Your recovery periods will be performed at an intensity of 2 or 3 which is a light stroll.  These can be done on days you don’t lift or after a lifting session, depending on your energy levels. They can be done on a treadmill, a stationary bike, a cross trainer and if you don’t have any equipment, buy a skipping rope. The work portion must be intense enough to cause a rapid heart rate and you need to maintain the effort for 20-30 seconds. I prefer a 1:2 work to rest ratio. Start with 8 intervals and work your way up to 12.
  6.  You must sleep 8 hours a night minimum. This is the most crucial variable of all. You are going to be performing an awful lot of  physical activity. In order to repair and grow, high quality sleep is imperative. You can catch up on late night television another time. That is what a PVR is for.
  7.  Take a day off. One day a week you will do absolutely nothing. No walking, no lifting and no sprinting. Give your central nervous system a break so you can recharge and recover. I love lazy Sundays on the couch watching football. Use this day off to prepare your meals for the coming week.

Good Luck !