Why I train……

I make a point of having things to look forward to each and every day. Hockey games, dinner with friends or checking out a new movie that just came out over the weekend. We all need things to look forward to in order to keep ourselves going. Without it, what would be the point?

The one thing I look forward to more than anything else is training. I need to do something active every day.  Humans are meant to move.  Not sit at a desk all day slouched in a chair pushing paper. If you have a few minutes, watch the TED Talk entitled: “The real reason for brains” at the end of this blog.

Now whether I am shooting for a new personal best on the squat rack, performing sprints on my stationary bike or doing my hour long walk around the neighbourhood, without daily activity, I can’t be nearly as effective in other aspects of my life. That applies to my relationships, my job or giving back in my free time.

Training is what centres me and keeps me on track throughout the day. Having structure and routine in my life does not limit me or hold me back, it gives me freedom. So when I am planning my day, some form of training will always be part of it.

When I don’t train, I pay the price for it. My relationships suffer, my stress levels go up, my gratitude disappears and I am generally unhappy. A friend of mine’s father used to say that, “Smart people stay active”. So I make training non-negotiable. It is something that I do no matter what is going on in my external world.

Find physical activities that you enjoy and do them religiously. Your quality of life will improve dramatically. That is a promise.