What currently matters………

I attended a Human Performance seminar last weekend and within the course of the day we were required to take the Myers and Briggs  personality test. I tested high for introversion, but what caught my attention was a score of 1 out of 100 to ‘openness to new experience’. I knew up front that I had never been a fan of change and have a preference for safety and convention.  I think most of us reach some  point in our lives where we realize that change is necessary for continued personal growth and that can be scary. I am certainly no different. So I have decided to take the plunge into the unknown.

I am a strength coach/personal trainer by trade and I have managed to carve out a nice little niche business in the Greater Toronto Area , but the need to branch out, express myself, meet new people, learn more, and share new ideas is paramount. Your knowledge, attitudes and opinions on the topics of discussion are strongly encouraged.  Social media has become an infinite information highway and is a great tool to convey messages to a broad audience.

My reason for blogging is to meet new people, share my knowledge, become a strong writer, get to know myself better,  live a more intentional life and hopefully inspire others. My current plan is to blog once a week with topics pertaining to human athletic performance, strength training, nutrition and overall well-being. Keep an eye out  for next week’s entry entitled: ” How to begin an exercise program and stick with it”.