Lose weight without dieting or exercise

This blog is for those people who reject the idea of intense exercise and refuse to meticulously watch what they put in their mouth, but would still like to drop some pounds. The choices we make are based on what we love most. Some people love the taste of pizza and donuts more than they love the idea of being lean and energetic. With that said, it is still possible to lose weight without exercise. Here is how:

Stress is the #1 offender. There is zero debating it. I am not telling you to live a stress-free life. We all need some stress. The stress that forces us to get up out of bed in the morning and get things done is necessary. Without stress it would be a pretty shallow existence. The problem is that most people bite off more than they can chew. The word “no” doesn’t exist in their vocabulary. Whether you are a people pleaser who says yes to everyone or you have some underlying issues that being super busy allows you to avoid, finding balance is crucial when it comes to keeping stress at a manageable level.  If you can’t figure it out on your own, consider practicing some form of meditation. Research has shown over and over again how effective meditation is at minimizing stress.

Develop a morning routine. As long as I am not working at the crack of dawn, I like to get out first thing for a 45 minute walk. It doesn’t have to be speed walking. You are simply getting your body moving and your blood flowing which kick starts your metabolism and sets you up to burn more calories throughout the day. If you don’t have a lot of time, take your dog for a walk around the block for 10 to 15 minutes. It’s all you need.

Try apple cider vinegar. I was first introduced to it by a chiropractor. Apple cider vinegar contains a compound called acetic acid, which has a number of health benefits. When you are eating at home, pour a tablespoon or two into a glass of water and drink it before you eat. It will minimize the insulin spike you get at the end of your meal, and that will limit how much of the food you eat ends up in your fat cells. Whether you have blood sugar issues or not (most people do) it will definitely make a difference.

Minimize the amount of wheat/gluten that goes into your body. If you are having a hard time getting weight off, I can just about guarantee that a temporary hold on wheat-containing foods like bagels, pastas, boxed cereals, cakes and cookies will help you lose weight. I believe that wheat is highly inflammatory and highly allergenic. It is extremely hard to digest and assimilate.  I am not saying stop eating bagels, pastas and cereals, but look for wheat and gluten-free alternatives. I like quinoa for pastas, almond and coconut flour for baking.

Protein, protein, protein. Start your day off with it. I don’t care if it is a protein shake, eggs or yogurt. Get a minimum of 20 grams into your system first thing in the morning. By doing this you will stabilize your blood sugar and feel fuller for longer. That will reduce the cravings you are likely to get later in the day from eating a high carbohydrate breakfast. A good size portion of protein will keep you alert and energized.